Interpersonal Relationships for Workplace Success,Employee Teams

An African proverb says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. While it is often easy to assume that going “solo” will make us more successful, the truth is that there is no such thing as a self-made person. As human history reminds us through our multiple cultural, social, economic and technological advancements, anything worth accomplishing has been made possible through and with others. Dreams, goals and work-related projects can be realized more successfully when we combine our unique strengths and talents with those of other people. This is why interpersonal skills, also known as Social Skills, are key to help us multiply our success in the workplace and life in general. These skills are one of the building blocks of emotional intelligence and are highly demanded in the workplace. Interpersonal relationships skills allow people to create and keep good and satisfying relations with others. Employees with strong interpersonal skills are highly valued for their personal leadership, pleasant positive demeanor, solution-oriented attitude and effective communication. Moreover, they are seen as team players who get along and work well with others to achieve organizational goals. The purpose of this course is to equip you with knowledge, tools and strategies that will help you strengthen your interpersonal relationship skills and leverage them effectively at work.