Inclusivity Meter Survey
The Canadian workforce is becoming more diverse, and our understanding of how to support diversity is an ongoing challenge for modern employers. People with diverse abilities continue to be an underrepresented group in today’s workforce. Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC) recognizes their ability and sees the opportunity for industry employers.
- What we DO know:
- Not all disabilities are visible. The Disability Community tells us that, In fact, 80% are not! Many workers feel they need to hide their disabilities, which may occur infrequently, like a migraine or arthritism which temporarily limits employees from working at peak productivity. We call this a functional limitation.
- Simple productivity supports (accommodations) provided at optimal times can contribute to huge changes at individual, team, and company levels.
- Diversity in the workplace is proven to be strongly correlated with productivity, resilience and retention.
- What we DON'T know:
- How is the industry currently addressing workers' productivity needs (accommodation)?
- What resources would be helpful for employers to support people with identified disabilities or functional limitations?
- How many workers are employed with functional limitations or invisible disabilities, and how can we build trust to self-disclose and provide greater assistance and productivity?
- How can the industry most effectively recruit and retain productive team members from this important labour supply?
We See the Ability and the Opportunity
Over 800,000 Canadians with disabilities are capable of work but remain unemployed.
FPSC plans to change that we ask employers to Lead the Way. The FoodAbility program provides vital support and funded opportunities to assist businesses in creating inclusive workplaces. Through educational resources and live events nationwide, FoodAbility will empower decision-makers, employers and HR professionals. The FoodAbility initiative offers a comprehensive toolkit with accessibility solutions, videos, guides, and reports to foster awareness and unlock opportunities.